ASP.NET Core MVC API Controller

No, the app we are trying to update. If I remove the plugin, then the website gets served as a downloaded file. I fairly certain that the cshtml files found in wwwroot will have to be moved into the Views folder correct? I thought I saw somewhere that was related to the smart razor pages but I don’t recall where in your docs.

You can’t use RazorFormat and MVC, they’re conflicting web app technologies. If you want to use MVC Controllers you can’t use any of RazorFormat features, they’ll need to be converted to use MVC Controllers/Views or Razor Pages.

The razor-pages template shows examples of using Razor Pages which is closer to RazorFormat’s Smart MVC Razor pages features since you can create pages without controllers. Either way, you’ll need to convert it into whatever technology you want to use next.

Is there any way to do what I’m trying to do with the smart pages? Basically I need to add and remove items in a list from the view. I was unable to find anything searching the internet. Or is this something that can only be done using and MVC controller and returning a partial view?

Don’t know what you’re trying to achieve but I doubt it’s limited to using any View technology, i.e. all Single Page App templates don’t use any server rendering pages since they compile to static JS/HTML whose UI can be hosted on any CDN.

Likewise we built, and with razor-ssg, i.e. just statically generated HTML which is our preference since it’s fast, reliable and inexpensive to host.

MVC Controllers/Views is likely one of our least favorite .NET technology since the ceremony is unnecessary and why .NET’s moving to controller-less Razor Pages.

It’s basically one big form broken down into sections. The way it was written though was against basic javascript and some JQuery. It uses a server side post for everything more like a classic MVC app, so there is no modern client side code like Angular, Vue, React, etc. It seems there is no easy fix to this.

FYI we’ve got Server + Razor example at:

Source Code:

You could also use @if (IsPostBack) {} to detect if the Form’s a POST back or not and use that to decide what to render.

Or just rewrite it to whatever preferred technology you want to use instead.

Ok, we’ll have to make some decisions then. Thanks for your help.