Cliff Cawley - 213 - Oct 28, 2014

Hi, the issue is due to your project references pointing to the .NET 4.0 version of OrmLite.dll and NET 4.5 of OrmLite.MySql.dll. 

The previous MyGet release .NET 4.5 of OrmLite.MySql.dll linked to ,NET 4.0 of OrmLite.dll, in this latest update there’s now a .NET 4.5 version of OrmLite.dll that OrmLite.MySql links to instead - basically you just need to uninstall and reinstall OrmLite packages via NuGet which will change the project reference of OrmLite to use the .NET 4.5 version.

Cliff Cawley:

Ah excellent, that’s fixed it! Thanks again Demis! :slight_smile: