Error hooks non called in some error situations

First of all thanks a lot for all your effort on this matter: we really appreciate it.
Your last checkin really helps a lot.

The decision / remedy cannot be based on a specific DTO: should work for any serialization exception. In order to accomplish this I made those changes

// my service serviceException handler

private object serviceExceptionHandler(IRequest httpReq, object request, Exception exception)
	IHasResponseStatus dto = null;
	var errorResponseDto = DtoUtils.CreateErrorResponse(request, exception);
	var httpError = errorResponseDto as IHttpError;
	if (httpError != null)
		dto = httpError.Response as IHasResponseStatus;
		if (dto != null)
			// no worries about next call: I use it to customize my response DTO.ResponseStatus property 

	// Deserialization error after the service completed successfully
	if (httpReq.Response.Dto != null && dto != null)
		return dto.ResponseStatus;

	return errorResponseDto;

// ServiceStackHost.Runtime.cs -> WriteSoapMessage
// MyAppHostBase

public override void WriteSoapMessage(IRequest req, System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message message, Stream outputStream)
		using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(outputStream, Config.XmlWriterSettings))
	catch (Exception ex)
		// my serviceException handler does not return, in this scenario, the response DTO related to the incoming request
		// but a generic DTO such as ResponseStatus
		var response = OnServiceException(req, req.Dto, ex);
		if (response == null || !outputStream.CanSeek)

		outputStream.Position = 0;
			//message = SoapHandler.CreateResponseMessage(response, message.Version, req.Dto.GetType(),
			message = SoapHandler.CreateResponseMessage(response, message.Version, response.GetType(),
				req.GetSoapMessage().Headers.Action == null);
			using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(outputStream, Config.XmlWriterSettings))
		catch (Exception exc)
		// Did you test your code with a IIS hosted scenario?
		// If I do not add following check/flush, self-hosted scenario(self hosted test) works with no problem 
		// but under IIS response is empty...
		if (req is AspNetRequest)

In order to be generic, I use buffered stream for any soap request
// MyAppHostBase

public override void Configure(Container container)

	GlobalRequestFilters.Add((req, res, dto) =>
		if (req.ContentType != null && req.ContentType.ToLower().Contains("soap"))
			req.Response.UseBufferedStream = true;