@mythz I wrote a custom provider (article shown above) that implements SS AuthProvider. Its working fine on the SS API when I call it from consuming applications, postman, etc. The issue here is just with Swagger. If we can get the built in oAuth2 type working that would be ideal (again, not just for me, but for many).
@xplicit here are the relevant sections from the json that swashbuckle generates:
{“swagger”:“2.0”,“info”:{“version”:“v1”,“title”:“My API Documentation”,“description”:""},“host”:“localhost:49717”,“schemes”:[“http”],“paths”:{"/mypath/{id}/attachments":{“post”:{“tags”:[“Attachment”],“operationId”:“Attachment_Post”,“consumes”:[“application/form-data”],“produces”:[“application/json”,“text/json”,“application/xml”,“text/xml”],“parameters”:[{“name”:“id”,“in”:“path”,“description”:“Guid”,“required”:true,“type”:“string”},{“name”:“file”,“in”:“formData”,“description”:“ZIP file. Files other that ‘.zip’ won’t be accepted. If archived file pathes are to long, zip file won’t be accepted.”,“required”:true,“type”:“file”}],“responses”:{“200”:{“description”:“OK”,“schema”:{“type”:“string”}}},“security”:[{“oauth2”:[“myapi”]}]}},"/loan/{id}":{“get”:{“tags”:[“Loan”],“operationId”:“Loan_Get”,“consumes”:[],“produces”:
},"securityDefinitions":{“oauth2”:{“type”:“oauth2”,“description”:“OAuth2 Implicit Grant”,“flow”:“implicit”,“authorizationUrl”:“https://AUTHURL/connect/authorize",“scopes”:{“myapi”:"My API”}}}}
unfortunately, neither of those show how to specify the client ID.
I included the Swashbuckle config above that shows how it was specified in code.
all that said, with your tip @xplicit I was able to get rid of basic authentication on the popup which also somehow resolved the issue with scope not showing, as it shows now, so we killed 2 of the 4 issues! The major remaining issue is issue #3 - how to populate client_id=your-client-id which is what currently gets generated (with that dummy value) with our specific clientid…
That dummy value seems to be coming from index.html in swagger UI. In their readme, they seem to show how to configure it, but not sure how to tap into that with the OpenApi implementation. If I can’t , then I suppose we need to overwrite the index.html but I’m not sure how to do that since the Swagger implementation here is compiled code. If we can’t use the in-code configuration, how do I overwrite index.html with my own so it gets picked up by the Swagger compiler?