RowVersion causing NullReferenceException when calling Save on new record

Will do when I get back in a few minutes. Thanks.

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So it seems that no matter what I do, I can’t get an existing project to run, even the simple SelfHost app as referenced above. I deleted all the bin/obj folders in the Solution and also cleared the Nuget cache via the Visual Studio Tools | Options dialog. But, if I start a new project with x new selfhost, it runs. Not sure what the difference would be.

Can you upload a zip of the project (or post a link on GitHub) so I can try running it locally please?

Thx checking it now, in the meantime I’ve gone through the above steps & created the same SelfHost1 test project, can you try to see if you can run it without issue?

Great was able to repro it, thx! The issue is the Admin Feature which I need to rebuild/publish on the CI. I’ll let you know when it’s done.

ok new build of ServiceStack.Admin now published on NuGet, just tested it with your example project and there’s no longer an issue, so if you clear your NuGet cache again it should be resolved:

$ nuget locals all -clear

That worked, thanks!

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