BTW I don’t see any issue when I try to load your web page:
This is interesting…
I have the issue with Chrome / Firefox and I removed all extensions in the browser.
I accessed a server via remote desktop
and I can confirm it is working OK for both Chrome and Firefox (server is also located in Sydney)
So it must be my computer
My guess is that something is terminating the long connection when accessed from your network, does the /event-stream connection stay open if you open it from your browser directly?
When called from the browser, the /event-stream connection stops after 30sec-1min like when called from the app
I cannot find the issue… I stopped everything possible on my computer including anti-virus… it is a standalone computer (not company network) and I even try getting internet from my phone as a hotspot
I revert all the code and I can confirm that “SSE client in Pinia + Vue 3” are working well
(I tried from a remote computer)
It just does not work from my computer
Thank you for your support and sorry to have involved you with this.
I read a be more on SSE
“Network proxies and other hardware/software can totally break SSE”
Maybe there is something between my computer and the server
The server is nginx with the configuration following your recommendations
also tried adding these
proxy_set_header Connection '';
chunked_transfer_encoding off;
Then we have this article
He is suggesting to what you have done in the app-server response headers
But he is also (and other people also do) suggesting this one.
Have you seen this?
X-Accel-Buffering: no;
I’ve not heard of it before but I’ve just added it as response header for the SSE /event-stream in this commit.
You can also add it to your SSE with:
Plugins.Add(new ServerEventsFeature {
OnInit = req => req.Response.AddHeader("X-Accel-Buffering","no")
Thank you very much. No change but it is probably good to have