I downloaded Hello.Xamarin and tried to get it running on my iMac (Xamarin Studio 5.9.5, Xamarin.IOS I had a problem to get it up and running in the debugger. The problem was
Entitlements.plist. After removing that and all references to it the program finally showed up in the simulator.
All works well except for the AwaitAsync. It fires but it seems to never return. Is there a problem in the servicestack code?
Client.IOS10.Pcl project
ServiceStack.Client 4.0.42
ServiceStack.Interaces 4.0.42
ServiceStack.Text 4.0.42
Client.IOS.Pcl project
ServiceStack.Client.Pcl 4.0.34
ServiceStack.Interfaces 4.0.42
ServiceStack.Text.Pcl 4.0.34
Notice the .Pcl extension on the ServiceStack.Client.Pcl and ServiceStack.Text.Pcl, are these correct (the packageversion is older)?