Version 6.4.1
The docs located here show how to retrieve the body from the request with an exception but it seems that it is always null.
The code is
var json = await url.PostJsonToUrlAsync(employee, requestFilter: (r) => r.AddBearerToken(_apiKey));
catch (Exception ex)
var knownError = ex.IsBadRequest()
|| ex.IsNotFound()
|| ex.IsUnauthorized()
|| ex.IsForbidden()
|| ex.IsInternalServerError();
var isAnyClientError = ex.IsAny400();
var isAnyServerError = ex.IsAny500();
HttpStatusCode? errorStatus = ex.GetStatus();
string errorBody = ex.GetResponseBody();
// errorBody is always null even though the server is returning JSON
I confirmed this request with the server in postman is returning: