AddReferece support in JetBrains Rider

According to JetBrains Plugin repository the JetBrains Rider IDE seems not to be supported! Is this correct or did you just forget to add it to the list?? I do my server development on Linux with Rider and try to get rid of VS on Windows as soon as it is possible. One of the things I need is the Reference Plugin.

There’s no Rider plugin yet, but you can use our .NET Core app tool to generate ServiceStack references in any language, e.g:

$ dotnet tool install --global app

$ app csharp <BaseUrl> FileName

All languages are supported, run app ? to see a list of all langs / options.

Hi Demis,
Hmm, I installed it (requires root on my system) but I cannot execute it:

[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 DockerBizBus]$ app ?
bash: app: command not found...

I researched a bit and found in my home dir in a hidden folder with a very long path something which seems to belong to what I have installed: /home/tbednarz/.dotnet/tools/.store/.stage/ftideox4.plk/app/0.0.13 (lots of hidden folders here…). There is a file app.nuspec which looks like a .csproj file:

[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 0.0.13]$ cat app.nuspec 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
	<description>Easily view and deploy any ServiceStack .NET Core Web App in a self-contained Chrome CEF Browser (Win64)</description>
	<copyright>Copyright © 2008-present ServiceStack</copyright>
	<tags>CEF ServiceStack .NET Core WebApps self-contained exe Chromium CefGlue</tags>
	  <packageType name="DotnetTool" />
	  <files include="any/netcoreapp2.1/favicon.ico" buildAction="Content" />

But this CEF stuff works on windows only, right?
I need something for CentOS 7!

You can use the web x-plat tool instead as a substitute for app:

$ dotnet tool install --global web

$ web csharp <BaseUrl> FileName

Hi Demis,
That does not work yet! I installed it with SUDO and then logged out and back in as the output of the command recommends it. No luck. I rebooted the VM containing the CentOS box. No luck either.

Then I tried several other things, here is the list of commands I tried:

[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ su
[root@linuxdev-tbws2 tbednarz]# dotnet tool uninstall -g app
Tool 'app' is not currently installed.
[root@linuxdev-tbws2 tbednarz]# exit
[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ sudo dotnet tool uninstall -g app
[sudo] password for tbednarz: 
Tool 'app' is not currently installed.
[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ sudo dotnet tool install --global web
Tool 'web' is already installed.
[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ web
bash: web: command not found...
[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ web ?
bash: web: command not found...
[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ web csharp
bash: web: command not found...
[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ 

Interesting that it says app is not installed when I try to remove it! The folder is still there as posted in my first message. Also it says that web is already installed but it cannot find it. Any idea what goes wrong here? I followed the MS documentation about the dotnet tool commands.

I suspect installing it with sudo will install dotnet tools from a different path then the current user.

It’s normally installed in ~/.dotnet/tools which you can either add to your path or you can use the full path, e.g:

$ /home/<user>/.dotnet/tools/web

Hi Demis,
I was fiddling around with this a bit and could uninstall web as root. Then I re-installed it as ‘normal’ user.

[tbednarz@linuxdev-tbws2 ~]$ dotnet tool list --global
Package Id      Version      Commands
web             0.0.13       web     

It takes around 30 seconds to complete and does not return any feedback on the shell. But web is working and it seems that you do NOT have to add it to the PATH variable. However I was updating my CentOS before and I received a .netcore sdk update from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7. I will play around with it later when I have time.