I am using a FormLayout Customization of the AdminUsersPlugin. In that customization, I am populating the Allowable Values of an HTML Select element from an external source as follows:
FormLayout = new() { Input.For<MyUser>(x => x.Email, x => x.Type = Input.Types.Email), Input.For<MyUser>(x => x.FirstName, c => c.FieldsPerRow(2)), Input.For<MyUser>(x => x.LastName, c => c.FieldsPerRow(2)), new InputInfo("RowLevelPermissionsGroup", "select") { Css = null, AllowableValues = PremissionsRepository?.ListPermissionGroupNames().ToArray(), }, };
This works great. However, if new values are added to the external source ( PremissionsRepository ), the select control does not update on browser refresh. Restarting the host shows the new item. I am wondering if there is caching behind the scenes with the petite-vue.js implementation in the Admin Users Feature that would account for this behavior.