After upgrade from 4.0.60 to 4.5.8 no longer possible to retrieve SCOPE_IDENTITY() after InsertOnly

Just upgraded from 4.0.60 to 4.5.8

The following code worked in 4.0.60, but nog longer in 4.5.8

 db.InsertOnly(contactEntity, diffs.ToArray());
          var command = db.CreateCommand();
          command.Transaction = trans.ToDbTransaction();
          var idContactInserted = Convert.ToInt32(db.GetDialectProvider().GetLastInsertId(command));

4.0.60 would generate the following statements:

INSERT INTO "Contact" ("IDCampagne",LastName)
VALUES (224,'Smith', '3002240593176')


4.5.8 generates the following statements:

exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO "Contact" ("IDCampagne","LastName")
VALUES (@IDCampagne,@IDActContact)',N'@IDCampagne int,@LastName varchar(200)', 
@IDCampagne=224,@LastName='Smith' go

In the last statement “SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()” returns Null.

I would like to be able to select the last inserted ID.

OrmLite has been changed to use parameterized queries which need to be retrieved in the same query, e.g:

var idContactInserted = db.Insert(contactEntity, selectIdentity:true);

For db.Insert there is no problem. I am talking about db.InsertOnly

We want to use InsertOnly because we have a legacy table with 200+ fields and we are only inserting 50 or so fields

I’ve just added selectIdentity option to all InsertOnly APIs in this commit.

This change is available from v4.5.9 that’s now available on MyGet.