I’ve installed the latest version of the @servicestack/client (1.1.17) and am getting a number of build errors using typescript 4.1.5 (also tried on latest 4.5.5):
What could I be doing wrong?
I’ve installed the latest version of the @servicestack/client (1.1.17) and am getting a number of build errors using typescript 4.1.5 (also tried on latest 4.5.5):
What could I be doing wrong?
No idea, the latest 1.1.17 version is referenced in all the SPA templates which builds without issue, e.g:
$ x new angular-spa AngularTest
$ cd AngularTest\AngularTest
$ npm run build
> angular-test@0.0.0 build
> ng build --configuration production
✔ Browser application bundle generation complete.
✔ Copying assets complete.
✔ Index html generation complete.
Initial Chunk Files | Names | Raw Size | Estimated Transfer Size
main.06e6521908d9ab4a.js | main | 865.24 kB | 111.57 kB
styles.44e86ffde6622dbf.css | styles | 158.98 kB | 17.09 kB
polyfills.3626da0d00f2c789.js | polyfills | 74.81 kB | 23.00 kB
runtime.8c0ab5e20b94b302.js | runtime | 1.22 kB | 629 bytes
| Initial Total | 1.07 MB | 152.27 kB
Build at: 2022-02-06T01:21:25.848Z - Hash: 41179459d5f57484 - Time: 7653ms
I’d suggest something like doing a clean install, e.g. delete node_modules
and your npm-shrinkwrap.json or lock files and try reinstalling again.
ok, thanks, will have a ‘play’ around then