API in ServiceStack.Core with MVC and Swagger

I am testing the template SSCoreMVC.
Do I need to set the routes.IgnoreRoute(“api/{*pathInfo}”); for the API? and how?
Is it necessary? in ASP.Net Core they create middleware, but I don’t need it for API calls.
Btw, I have used last 6m the ASP.Net Core and previous 4yr the SStack.
I want to create a landing page, sign-on to OAUTH2 providers and to pass the JWT token, through the Swagger to API. I have seen a thread here about it, maybe I will have questions later about this subject.

No this was a limitation with ASP.NET MVC, in .NET Core both ServiceStack and MVC and be configured in the same request pipeline. There is no OAuth2 support in ServiceStack .NET Core yet, the existing ServiceStack OAuth2 providers utilize DotNetCoreOpenAuth which doesn’t support .NET Core.

OK, the requirement is for ServiceStack.API and JWT, so I will use the 4.5.10 version. I suppose the Authweb tests have everything I need? an example of Swagger with JWToken? or I will read carefully the related thread here.

The docs should have everything you need and should be your first point of reference. Note Swagger Feature implements the older Swagger 1.2 API whilst the newer Open API Feature implements the newer Swagger/Open API 2.0, both include the Swagger UI.