/api path for SS5

I’ve been using ServiceStack for a long time in my production app (like starting with v3?). I upgraded from SS4 to SS5 a while ago, but I recently noticed that I was still relying on Servicestack,Host.Mvc 4.5.12. I took out that package so that all I had were 5.1.0 versions of ServiceStack libraries in my project.

The problem now is that my /api endpoint isn’t being found. I followed the directions found here:

I tried both with and without the HandlerFactoryPath assignment and it made no difference.

How can I figure out where the 404 is coming from and how to fix it?

Thanks much.

You can create a new ServiceStack ASP.NET MVC5 Empty template in VS.NET with a working configuration or install one from the command-line at:

$ npm install -g @servicestack/cli

$ dotnet-new mvc-netfx ProjectName

To create a working example you can compare against.

The project’s Web.config, AppHost.cs and RouteConfig.cs may help.