ApiKey authorization with Encrypted Messaging

Hi there,

I’ve set up ApiKey authentication by following the guide: http://docs.servicestack.net/api-key-authprovider

It works fine, when I construct the client as follows:

        var baseUrl = "http://encryptedmessaging.com:8088";
        var apiKey = "vMz2g6CxtZi2cnqG3Da-CZg5bl_d7E_T";

        var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl)
            Credentials = new NetworkCredential(apiKey,"")

        var authResponse = client.Send(new Authenticate());

With an encrypted client however, this the above does not work:

        string publicKeyXml = client.Get(new GetPublicKey());

        IEncryptedClient encryptedClient = client.GetEncryptedClient(publicKeyXml);

        var authResponse = client.Send(new Authenticate());

Returns ‘Invalid EncryptedMessage’ when Credentials = new NetworkCredential(apiKey,"") is set on the client. Not setting the Credentials and calling Authenticate returns Unauthorized (of course because I did not set the API key anywayre).


How to set the API Key in the Authenticate object, in order for Encrypted Messaging to work with API Keys?

I’ve tried

        var authResponse = encryptedClient.Send(new Authenticate
            provider = "apikey",
            UserName = apiKey,
            Password = ""

and am getting ‘Unauthorized’ back.

Thanks in advance

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Have your Request DTOs implement IHasBearerToken and use the BearerToken property, e.g:

public class Secure : IHasBearerToken
    public string BearerToken { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

IEncryptedClient encryptedClient = client.GetEncryptedClient(publicKey);
var response = encryptedClient.Get(new Secure { BearerToken = apiKey, Name = "World" });

Which can also be populated on the encryptedClient where it will automatically populate the BearerToken property in each Request DTO, e.g:

encryptedClient.BearerToken = apiKey;

var response = encryptedClient.Get(new Secure { Name = "World" });
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That solved the issue. Thanks!

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