ASP.NET MVC App with ServiceStack backend for Identity

I am developing and ASP.NET MVC App as the frontend with the ServiceStack being used for the API and, Authentication and services.

Is there any sample application or docs I could use for inspiration how to integrate the ServiceStack authentication with the ASP.NET [Authorize] attribute?

MVC and ServiceStack Auth are completely different and share no implementation. ServiceStack uses its own [Authenticate] attribute for its Services which you can also use in your MVC Controllers that inherit ServiceStackController.

That’s exactly what I expected. Thank you.

Is there any sample solution demonstrating this?

The MVC + ServiceStack Example is a simple MVC + ServiceStack App showcasing ServiceStack Auth options, source code is available at:

The docs on MVC + ServiceStack is available at:

I am having problems with getting a session in the _Layout.cshtml to disable menu items which are available only for logged-in user.

If I put in

@inherits ServiceStack.Razor.ViewPage

this creates problems with @Html.ActionLink and "cannot resolve section ‘scripts’.

How can _Layout.cshtml get GetSession().IsAuthenticated work without causing problems for ActionLink and scripts?

The ideal solution would be to get the Session via a function, like this ones returns the @Html

@functions {

    protected static new System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper Html
            return ((System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage)WebPageContext.Current.Page).Html;

ServiceStack Razor pages with ASP.NET MVC Razor pages are completely independent incompatible implementations.

For ASP.NET MVC Razor I recommend passing in the session (or only properties you need from the Session) and return it in the view model.

I am aware that I can choose between SS Razor pages and ASP.NET MVC pages and I am deciding which ones are most helpful for my purposes.

And the ViewModel avenue you recommended works wonderfully!

Thank you so much!

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