AutoQuery AppUser Not Found

Steps to reproduce:

x new web WebApp
x mix auth
x mix auth-db
x mix postgres
x mix autoquery

Move AppUser to ServiceModel Types and do import of ServiceModel.Types

Get Error "Could not Resolve Type AppUser.

I made sure that AppUser existed in my persisted ormlite db so that AutoQuery can find the table. (Not shown in this github repository as I have an existing database where AppUser already exist that I can not share.

set AutoRegister to true

Thx for the repro, this should be resolved from the latest v6.0.3 that’s now available on MyGet.

I upgraded to latest. If all your tables are in the default schemas (e.g. public for postgres), it works, however the moment you have tables in other schemas, and you take out AutoRegister and use it like

                    CreateServices =
                        new CreateCrudServices(), // should register all tables in public schema
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "Environment"},
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "Governance"},
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "HealthAndSafety"},
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "Social"},
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "TrainingAndDev"},
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "Transformation"},
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "Answers"},
                        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "Configuration"},

where AppUser is in the public schema (if postgres), then it still says it can’t find AppUser

Not able to repro this, I created a new Schema environment schema with a table in it whilst the AppUser and UserAuthDetails remains in the public schema and the project starts up without issue.

GenerateCrudServices = new GenerateCrudServices
    // AutoRegister = true,
    CreateServices =
        new CreateCrudServices(),
        new CreateCrudServices{Schema = "Environment"},

Will try and reproduce and revert back

It is sorted, thanks, you can close this.

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