We are ServiceStack-ifying an old NancyFX backend, and so far I’m LOVING the AutoCrud / ICrud feature. I have a few questions / suggestions.
Would it be possible to add a new option to make dto / db class names singular (or plural) where appropriate for AutoCrud? I.E.: at the top of dtos.cs MakeSingular: True or something (there may be a way, I just haven’t found it in the docs yet).
A little background: I just took over this system - and the database schema naming is very inconsistent. SS has actually handled it VERY well, because we have table names like: Employee, client_note, plan_rates (capitalized, underscored, plural, and singular lol).
But if we could normalize everything to be singular in c#, that would be amazing.
Digging through the docs, I don’t see a way to override any implemented ICrud type services for custom business logic. Is this a possibility? (similar to overriding / extending AutoQuery services).
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for all your hard work on ICrud - ServiceStack feels full circle now.
EDIT: Removed #2, now that I see how they are generated (via API), this would be difficult to spit out multiple files.
I’ve added customizable generation options in the new GenerateOperationsFilter where you can customize different aspects of AutoGen’s code generation, e.g. here’s an example of the different customization options available: