AutoQuery's AutoCrud meta.RemoveDtoProps causing DTO property to be removed

I have an issue with AutoQuery’s AutoCrud that is causing a DTO property to be incorrectly removed because of a value in meta.RemoveDtoProps.

The model definition for the CreateLocationGroup service endpoint is

[Api("internal only")]
[Route("/api/internal/location-group", "POST")]
public class CreateLocationGroup : ICreateDb<LocationGroup>, IReturn<CodeResponse>, IPost
    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateLength(1, 8)]
    public string PkLocationCode { get; set; } = null!;

    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateLength(1, 8)]
    public string PkLocationTypeCode { get; set; } = null!;

    public int TransId { get; set; }

    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateLength(1, 8)]
    public string PkParentLocationCode { get; set; } = Constant.ParentLocationCode; // "/"

    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateExactLength(1)]
    public string VirtualIndicator { get; set; } = Constant.StatusNo; // "N"

The DTO, LocationGroup, is defined as follows (it is an external vendor database)

[UniqueConstraint(nameof(PkParentLocationCode), nameof(PkLocationCode), nameof(PkLocationCodeType))] // compound PK
public class LocationGroup
    [DataMember, PrimaryKey, Required]
    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateLength(1, 8)]
    public string PkParentLocationCode { get; set; } = Constant.ParentLocationCode; // "/"

    [DataMember, PrimaryKey, Required]
    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateLength(1, 8)]
    public string PkLocationCode { get; set; } = null!;

    [DataMember, PrimaryKey, Required]
    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateLength(1, 8)]
    public string PkLocationCodeType { get; set; } = null!;

    [DataMember, Required]
    [ValidateNotEmpty, ValidateExactLength(1)]
    public string VirtualIndicator { get; } = Constant.StatusNo; // "N"

    [DataMember, Required]
    public int TransId { get; set; }

The create service implementation in ServiceInterface is:

    public CodeResponse Post(CreateLocationGroup request)

        using var db = AutoQuery!.GetDb<LocationGroup>(Request);
        var req = FromCreateLocationGroup(request);

            var unused = (CodeResponse)AutoQuery.Create(req, Request);
        catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException e)
            // triggers on the db table may cause an OptimisticConcurrencyException on insert
            using var auditService = base.ResolveService<AuditService>();
            auditService.Post(new CreateDataTrack
                ReferenceCode = RefCode,
                PkCode = request.PkLocationCode,
                ReferenceData = req.ToJson(),
                AuditEventId = AuditEvent.Created

        return Read(request.PkLocationCode, request.PkLocationTypeCode);

An error is thrown because a NULL value is being inserted in the loc_type_code column (i.e. PkLocationCodeType in the DTO).

Tracing through the problem, it is being caused by the following ServiceStack AutoQueryFeature.cs code:

namespace ServiceStack
    public partial class AutoQueryFeature

        // code hidden

        private Dictionary<string, object> ResolveDtoValues(AutoCrudMetadata meta, IRequest req, object dto, bool skipDefaults=false)
            ILog log = null;
            var dtoValues = dto.ToObjectDictionary();

            foreach (var entry in meta.MapAttrs)
                if (dtoValues.TryRemove(entry.Key, out var value))
                    dtoValues[entry.Value.To] = value;

            // code hidden

            List<string> removeKeys = null;
            foreach (var removeDtoProp in meta.RemoveDtoProps)
                removeKeys ??= new List<string>();

            // code hidden

            if (removeKeys != null)
                foreach (var key in removeKeys)
                    dtoValues.RemoveKey(key);                // *** this causes DTO's PkLocationCodeType to be removed WHY?

            // code hidden

            return dtoValues;

Where or how is meta.RemoveDtoProps getting populated?

I am using ServiceStack 8.0.0, NET8, Windows.

It gets added here:

  1. If the property doesn’t exist on the data model
  2. If it’s an ignored “Reset” or “RowVersion” property that’s not on the data model
  3. If it has the [AutoIgnore] attribute

Thank you for the response. After double-checking (for the nth time) my code, I found I had a typo between the service and the DTO that was causing the property to be removed (PkLocationCodeType vs PkLocationTypeCode).

Fixed the typo and it works like a charm.

thank you very much for the quick support.

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