Bruce Hunter - 408 - Sep 9, 2014

I have designed a WebApplication Project to Boot my ServiceHost class in the Application_Start. The ServiceHost and the Service classes I’ve created are in a separete project 1 layer lower in the Interface DLL that I have.

Now, I know I can create a Login page or any page for that matter and call the Routes via the Service.Client API with my created Models for those Services. However, this is a HTTP call and my fellow developers don’t like that.

I want to boot up the service and expose the Routes via HTTP, but be able to directly call the service classes directly via the code behind too if we wanted to help with performance. 

This would give us NON Http Calls to the Service classes, but also expose the services via HTTP for inbound Clients that needed to call it.

Can you point me to an example of this?

Hi Bruce, see this answer for calling Services directly:

Bruce Hunter:

Thanks! That gets me started. I can figure out the rest!