Build conflicts occur when using ServiceStack Authentication MongoDb package in a .NET Core solution


We are in the process of converting a number of our class libraries to use .NET Standard, with goal of creating a .NET Core only solution. With the projects set to just target .NET Standard and using the .Core versions of the Service Stack Nuget packages (v5.5.0) this works fine with the exception of the ServiceStack.Authentication.MongoDb package, which doesn’t currently have a .Core version. When the ServiceStack.Authentication.MongoDb package is included conflicts occur in the build, presumably due to its dependanices on the non-Core Servvice Stack packages.

Changing the class library projects to be multi-targeted (.NET Standard and .NET Framework 4.7.2) and using the non-Core versions of the Service Stack Nuget packages the class libraries all build, but we would like to have a purely .NET Core version.

I’ve noticed there is a v5.5.1 version of ServiceStack.Authentication.MongoDb on MyGet which now has .NET Standard dependanices, but there isn’t a .Core version of this package - will a .Core version of this package be created?


I’ve just added the ServiceStack.Authentication.MongoDb.Core project which is available from v5.5.1+ that’s now on MyGet.