I have ServiceStack (v5.5) hosted at the api custom route according to https://docs.servicestack.net/mvc-integration#enabling-servicestack-in-webconfig
Everything works except requests to built-in API Key Services, which result in a 404 response.
POST http://localhost:xxx/api/apikeys/live HTTP/1.1
Handler for Request not found (404):
Request.HttpMethod: POST
Request.PathInfo: /keys/live
Request.RawUrl: /api/apikeys/live
Everything works as expected when I remove the custom route, and even if I change the custom route to anything other than api. The custom route “apix” works for example.
I believe this is caused by an error in ServiceStack.Host and the method
public static string NormalizePathInfo(string pathInfo, string mode)
For the input pathInfo="/apikeys/live" and mode=“api” it returns “/keys/live” when I believe it should return “/apikeys/live”
Would be great if you could have a look at this. In the mean time my workaround is creating custom routes for these services.
Kind Regards, Anders