BulkInsert for MySQL with AutoIncrement causes incorrect SQL

Trying the new BulkInsert in 6.10.0, but it’s causing an error because the SQL is not valid.

The DTO has an AutoIncrement column, which is setting a column in values…

public class MyDTO
  public int Id { get; set; }

  public DateTime Date { get; set; }

Db.BulkInsert<MyDTO>(dtos, new BulkInsertConfig { Mode = BulkInsertMode.Sql });

This is the SQL it generates

“INSERT INTO MyDTO (Date) VALUES\r\n(,‘2023-09-12 17:31:52’);”

Invalid comma after the parenthesis "…(,'2023…

This should now be resolved from this commit.

This change is available from v6.10.1+ that’s now available in our Pre-Release Packages.