Can we generate CRUD service / swagger ui only json

q1: give a POCO class , can we generate CRUD service ? I think it is very usefull for common situation
q2: openapi in the swagger ui why only application/json , I do not remove any Feature

thank you for your help~.

You can generate ServiceStack client types based on POCO class for various languages: C#, typescript, java, swift, but there is no option to generate server-side services from the POCO.

OpenApi plugin currently exposes only application/json content-type, because it’s oriented to support Azure Autorest client generation and Azure API management import but azure Autorest has issues with serialization/desiarilization when XML and JSON output is coming from the same route. SOAP and CSV are not supported by code generators.

I agree with you , but auto generation of CRUD services can help us save a lot of time(also I found it in uservoice),wish you can add this in the future , may be a VS template

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