I am using BigInteger and now want to persist some POCOs to Redis.
When trying to deserialize, I found that ServiceStack is unable using it’s default Struct.Parse(string) signature:
System.Numerics.BigInteger x = 100;
var y = System.Numerics.BigInteger.Parse("100");
var json = x.ToJson();
var z = json.FromJson<System.Numerics.BigInteger>(); // <<- Throws 'Cannot bind to the target method because its signature is not compatible with that of the delegate type'
I have not be able to add a custom Deserialize like I normally would for something like MongoDB.
Where should I provide the Func to deserialize the JsonProperty into a BigInteger? Literally just requires a call to the static struct Parse method.
Intended use:
MarketEdge? edge = _redis.Get<MarketEdge>(edgeKey);
MarketEdge contains two BigInteger properties
Many thanks.