Carlos Mendes - 223 - Sep 29, 2014

Hi Demis,

Any plans to update the MiniProfiler and Dapper to their latest versions?


I’ve just updated Dapper, but I’ve stripped out its DataTable support which would’ve forced an extra dep to System.Xml.

Bruce Hunter:

Wait? Where is Dapper located? Dapper is apart of SS?

It’s in OrmLite under the ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper namespace

Bruce Hunter:

Wow. I guess I don’t need to have Dapper in my own classes now.

Bruce Hunter:

I’m using Dapper directly with SS-Without OrmLite use.

I can update Dapper but not the modified MiniProfiler.

Carlos Mendes:

Thank you Demis. I was having an issue using Dapper so this is good news. I understand that updating the MiniProfiler may be difficult due to your improvements. I was asking because it would be really useful to have the client-side javascript profiling support for Razor views.

Yep, tho the latest Dapper update is a breaking change as I used to rename Query to Dapper so it didn’t conflict with OrmLite’s v3 Query when used together, because in v4 we no longer use Query I’m going to leave it Dapper’s original APIs as-is. As for updating MiniProfiler that’s going to be a losing battle, I think the long-term solution is to pull it out of SS as an external package and spend time integrating it with the MiniProfiler master repo. You can add a feature request to see how much interest there is in doing this:

Carlos Mendes:

Done. Thanks!

Sir Thomas:

I’m curious to hear how you guys are using Dapper?  Is it mainly for extra features SS OrmLite doesn’t offer?  I had been using it before I discovered SS but moved most to OrmLite.

Carlos Mendes:

Yes, I’m using it to do multiple queries. 

 string query =@“SELECT COUNT() FROM TABLEA
                    SELECT COUNT(
    using (var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(query, null))
        int countA = multi.Read<int>().Single();
        int countB = multi.Read<int>().Single();

Is this possible with OrmLite?

Sir Thomas:

Interesting.  In SS 3.9 I had added some of my own tweaks to return generic lists with custom queries that I miss now that I’m on 4.x (and don’t want to maintain), but you might have shown me a way to get something going via Dapper.  I’ll check it out.