Carlos Mendes - 513 - Dec 9, 2013

Is there a plan to upgrade the MiniProfiler? It would be great to have access to the Client Timings feature since I’m using SS with Razor. Apparently the SO team is about to release v3 so that might be a good timing to upgrade (

Thanks in advance

ServiceStack includes a port of MiniProfiler that uses ServiceStack’s JSON Serializer instead of its JavaScriptSerializer and uses the embeddable jquip over jquery, and uses underscore templates instead of the much heavier jquery templates. Basically it will require a bit of effort to re-sync with the code-base, depending on which part and how much they’ve changed. But definitely add a feature request so I don’t lose track of this.

Wayne Brantley:

At some point, having the ‘heavier’ bits of the standard release miniprofiler out weigh having to manually sync, etc.  For me, I would rather it just be the standard miniprofiler, not using jquip (I do not mind full jquery library and it is already loaded and cached!) and be able to stay in sync easier with the main distribution.  As far as using ServiceStacks json serializer goes - same thing - if the serializer is a bit slower, that is fine - I am just measuring speed of things relative to other things.   Also, if using your  JSON serializer is important, maybe a pull request to them with code where any serialize can be injected would be helpful…

Any consideration to that?  Put in feature requests?

+Wayne Brantley Mini Profiler originally worked with MVC which is what I started with, I know they haven’t been working on it for a long time, but will be interesting to see how much they’ve changed. I doubt it can just work as-is with the standard Mini Profiler, but I’ll have to investigate to see what is possible now. Obviously it would be great if they maintained a package explicitly for ServiceStack, but doubt that’s on the cards. Also note ServiceStack’s mini profiler is integrated into the auto “Html Format” pages, it would create a poor experience for Intranets without direct internet access if it suddenly required Internet access and then no longer worked. Currently all the metadata and pages served in ServiceStack core don’t require external dependencies to work, it’s all embedded.

Wayne Brantley:

Thanks, I really have struggled with jquip in the past and never did figure out some of the issues related to that.  So, even if you have a special version - I think keeping it minimally changed would be best.  :-)

Carlos Mendes:

Thanks, I didn’t know it was so hard to update it. I thought it was just syncing with the latest version…

Apparently I used all my points so I cannot make a suggestion on the UserVoice site.

Let’s wait for MiniProfiler 3 and then I will ping you again. 

Wayne Brantley:

Maybe one day paying subscribers can get ‘more votes’…