Connection not open when using RepositoryBase and Db.UpdateOnly within console and aynsc await results in error

The error being the MS ‘ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection’s current state is closed.’

I am using servicestack RepositoryBase for all my Repos. If I comment out the async and just do insert ids into list then the Db.UpdateOnly works so perhaps there is some kind of synchronization context issue, however I would have thought that the MessageRepo object would then just be null rather than no longer managing to establish a connection (it previously did manage in the same method).

Cut down code below:

public class MessageRepo : RepositoryBase
    //THIS WORKS!!!
    public List<UserMessage> GetUserMessagesThatNeedToBeSent()
        var messages = Db.Select<UserMessage>(q => q.Finalised && !q.HasBeenSent);
        return messages;

    //This Complains that connection is not open.
    public void MarkAsSent(long[] ids)
        if (ids.Length > 0)
                new UserMessage { HasBeenSent = true },
                onlyFields: p => new { p.HasBeenSent },
                where: p => Sql.In(p.Id, ids)

public class ConsoleProgramToProcessPendingMessages
    static void Main()
        using (var appHost = new ProcessPendingMessagesAppHost())
            LogManager.LogFactory = new ConsoleLogFactory();

            var userMessageProcessor = new UserMessageProcessor();

internal class ProcessPendingMessagesAppHost : ServiceStackHost
    public ProcessPendingMessagesAppHost() : base("EE.ProcessPendingMessages", typeof(ProcessPendingMessagesAppHost).Assembly) { }

    public override void Configure(Container container)
        var connectionString = ConfigUtils.GetConnectionString("AppDb");
        container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, SqlServer2012Dialect.Provider));

public class Emailer
	private async Task<bool> SomeMethodThatReturnsTrueAsync()
		return true;

    public async Task<bool> SendUserMessageAsync(string userMessageText)
        return await SomeMethodThatReturnsTrueAsync();

public class UserMessageProcessor
    protected static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ActionsEmailer));

    public MessageRepo MessageRepo { get; set; }

    private readonly string _callbackBaseUrl;
    public UserMessageProcessor()
        var appSettings = new AppSettings();
        _callbackBaseUrl = appSettings.Get("EmailCallbackBaseUrl");

    public async Task ProcessPendingMessagesAsync()
            var messages = MessageRepo.GetUserMessagesThatNeedToBeSent();
            if (messages.Count > 0)
                var idsOfThoseSentOk = new List<long>();
                var emailer = new Emailer();

                Log.InfoFormat("...Start message loop");
                foreach (var message in messages)
                    //commenting out the await stuff makes it work.
                    if (await emailer.SendUserMessageAsync(message.Text).ConfigureAwait(true))
                Log.Info("No messages to process.");
        catch (Exception ex)

After writing this I just spotted something, changed to: ReuseScope.Container and the issue went away.