Could not load type 'ServiceStack.Auth.IIdentityAuthContext'

I have create a ServiceStack template project using following command.

x new react-spa MyReactApp

When I am trying to run it it showing the following error.

Could not load type ‘ServiceStack.Auth.IIdentityAuthContext’ from assembly ‘ServiceStack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.’

NuGet Package is of latest version 8.3.1.

Anyone have faced this issue?

It was still downloading the pre-release packages, so I’ve just removed NuGet.config from the template.

If you try to create a new App or just delete the NuGet.config from the project it should use the latest v8.3.0 packages on NuGet.

I did the same but didn’t worked out.

I tried by deleting the Nuguet.config delete from the MyApp.Client, Removed bin and obj files from the folders.

but when tried running through npm it is running fron’t end but API’s are not working. This is using terminal not using Visual Studio.

Just tried doing this and it’s working as expected:

I’d suggest recreating the project template again.

Thanks for your help.

I just update the x package and tried creating it now it is created with 8.3.0 and it is working now.