Unfortunately, it has been difficult to create a standalone repo, because of the complexity of my code base.
However, I have discovered that the issue can be resolved by removing the GenerateCrudServices from the Configure.Autoquery, as shown below:
//public class ConfigureAutoQuery : IHostingStartup
.ConfigureAppHost(appHost =>
appHost.Plugins.Add(new AutoQueryDataFeature());
appHost.Plugins.Add(new AutoQueryFeature
MaxLimit = 0, // needed to suppress SQL Server query limit of 5000 rows
IncludeTotal = true,
AutoCrudMetadataFilters =
new List<Action<AutoCrudMetadata>>
// ### Uncommenting below will cause runtime errors when > ServiceStack 8.0.0 ###
// GenerateCrudServices =
// new GenerateCrudServices
// {
// AutoRegister = true,
// CreateServices = new List<CreateCrudServices>
// {
// // read-only schemas explicitly defined
// new() { Schema = "Security", IncludeCrudOperations = new List<string> { "Query" } },
// new() { Schema = "Config", IncludeCrudOperations = new List<string> { "Query" } },
// new() { Schema = "Master", IncludeCrudOperations = new List<string> { "Query" } },
// // framework crud schemas
// new()
// {
// Schema = "Log", IncludeCrudOperations = new List<string> { "Query", "Create" }
// },
// new()
// {
// Schema = "App",
// IncludeCrudOperations = new List<string>
// { "Query", "Create", "Update", "Patch", "Delete" }
// },
// new()
// {
// Schema = "Attachment",
// IncludeCrudOperations = new List<string>
// { "Query", "Create", "Update", "Patch", "Delete" }
// },
// // application specific crud schemas
// },
// ExcludeTables = new List<string>
// {
// "Setting_History", "Translation_History", "UserSetting_History",
// "DocumentType_History", "Document_History", "Document_History",
// "Note_History", "FileStore_History", "Comment_History",
// "ResourceType_History", "Resource_History"
// }
// }
With ServiceStack 8.0.0, the above code may be uncommented without causing runtime errors.
Luckily, I do not need the AutoCrud feature, so for me the above would be a sufficient solution.
Thank you for your support.