Does ServiceStack queuing with Redis have inbuilt rampdown rampup delays?

I’m noticing a significant delay processing a message through our pipeline. it takes about 4 seconds for a message to flow through which includes entering 3 redis queues during the process e.g.

-> Q1 -> Service1 -> Q2 -> Service2 -> Q3 -> Service3 ->

I’m not 100% sure but didn’t think this delay was present pre 5.5 (in 5.4.1) but I could be wrong. Just wondering if there are any internal sleeps on the queues which would result in delays when low volumes of traffic are passing through.

No there’s no built-in delays, it uses Pub/Sub push-based notifications for notifying when a message has been published to the MQ.

You’ll need to profile your code to identify where the time is being spent.

Yep will get onto it.