We have string to int conversion issue…
var cogQuery = Db.From<CogLoadDataModel.Cognos.Sale>()
.Join<CogLoadDataModel.Cognos.Customer>((sale, cust) => sale.ShipToSID == cust.Id)
.Join<CogLoadDataModel.Cognos.Product>((sale, prod) => sale.ProductSID == prod.Id)
.Where(x => x.EntityCd == entityCd);
//var test = Db.Select<(int? EntityCd, string OrderNum, int? InvoiceLineNum, int? OrderLineNum, string InvoiceNum, string ShipToCd, string ProductCd)>(cogQuery);
var test2 = Db.Select<(string OrderNum, int? EntityCd, int? InvoiceLineNum, int? OrderLineNum, string InvoiceNum, string ShipToCd, string ProductCd)>(cogQuery);
catch (Exception ex)
if we run the first Db.Select we get an error saying we can convert to int…
the second one give no issue. In the database EntityCD exist in all 3 tables as integer nullable but the data does not have null value.
Look like the first item need to be a string. Can you confirm please.