Is there a reason for the ServiceStack.RabbitMq NuGet package to depend on #Redis and #OrmLite packages? I can see why this is physically (because the package depends on ServiceStack.Server which in turn depends on the above two packages) but I don’t see the logical connection. We just want to use #RabbitMq and don’t need/want the other two packages.
Just had a look it was sharing the WorkerStatus class with RedisMQ, but since that’s all it was sharing I’ve moved it down to SS.dll in this commit:
Next release RabbitMq will only depend on ServiceStack
Drazen Dotlic:
Awesome! 17 minutes to read my inquiry, look at the source, improve the behavior and post the response back. You put most other commercial products to shame with this kind of turnaround
Benefit of working full-time and having the development environment open + ready to serve