DTO posted as text/plain doesn't get validated by fluent validation

Hi there,

We have an multipart form data ServiceStack endpoint that accepts a file (byte data) as well as a DTO. As discussed in a separate thread (How to upload a file and post JSON data in the same request), the DTO is being passed in as ContentType text/plain.

I’m not 100% sure but it seems that this is causing our standard validation (fluent validation) to not work. The validator looks fine, it seems to be loaded, but it does not return the errors that it should be returning based on the data we’re passing in in our tests (e.g. NotNull checks are not failing when null passed in for the properties being validated).

Could this be the case? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Many thanks in advance.

Annie Luxton

Can you please provide the source code for the DTO, the validator and the raw HTTP Request Headers.