'DynamicJson' does not exist in the namespace 'ServiceStack.Text' ..."TODO: Workout how to fix broken CoreCLR SL5 build that uses dynamic"

Hi, I have some code that uses ServiceStack.Text.DynamicJson after calling a 3rd party API:

            var resultContents = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            var dyn = ServiceStack.Text.DynamicJson.Deserialize(resultContents);

(I recently updated from ServiceStack 5.1 to 5.5 in order to try and fix some unrelated issue as I migrate a codebase to ASP.NET core)

Now I get “Error CS0234: The type or namespace name ‘DynamicJson’ does not exist in the namespace ‘ServiceStack.Text’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)”

I have the nuget package and tried some usual things, so I looked at the source code and came across this comment:

//TODO: Workout how to fix broken CoreCLR SL5 build that uses dynamic

…is DynamicJson broken for library projects targeting .NET Standard 2.0?

Yeah DynamicJson is not available in .NET Standard builds, if you want to parse untyped JSON you should use JSON.parse() instead, it’s in the ServiceStack.Common package.