Each block template

I can’t get the each block to work. I have a simple setup but neither work. I am just trying to loop over a list.

 var list = new List<Test>();
list.Add(new Test() { Id=1, Name="test"});

var context = new TemplateContext();

Dictionary<string,object> args = new Dictionary<string, object>();
args.Add("test", list);


var output = context.EvaluateTemplate(@"{#ul {each:test, id:'menu', class:'nav'} }}     <li>{{it.Id}}</li> {{/ul}}", args);
output = context.EvaluateTemplate("{{#each test}} {{it.Id}}  {{/each}}", args);


I’m assuming you’re using the latest v5.1.1 on MyGet which has the new support for blocks right?

This is missing a { it should start with {{#ul.

var output = context.EvaluateTemplate(@"{#ul {each:test, id:'menu', class:'nav'} }}     <li>{{it.Id}}</li> {{/ul}}", args);

This does work:

output = context.EvaluateTemplate("{{#each test}} {{it.Id}}  {{/each}}", args);

And so does not using the prefix:

output = context.EvaluateTemplate("{{#each test}} {{Id}}  {{/each}}", args);

I am on 5.1.0 so I guess we need to upgrade.

I should be releasing v5.2 within the next hour or 2 so can just wait for the next release on NuGet.