Enums DTO properties turn into strings in the "add service stack reference"

This is the code on the server side :smile:

public class ImportCompetitionsDataResponse : ResponseBase
public FeedStatuses FeedStatuses { get; set; }


public enum FeedStatuses
Succesfull = 0,
WithParsingErrors = 1,
WithErrors = 2

Strangely on the client side the SS reference is built like this :

public partial class ImportCompetitionsDataResponse
: ResponseBase
public virtual string FeedStatuses { get; set; }

public enum FeedStatuses

Strangely in another project (same SS version, same vs.net env) I don’t see this behavior … the property is correctly an enum …

What should I check ?
thank you

I’d check that you’re using the latest version of ServiceStack.

ok, moving from 4.0.60 to 4.5.0 did the trick :smile: thank you

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