Error trying to use GetValues() from DataReader. Falling back to individual field reads

Using .NET Core and ORM.Lite MySQL, getting this warning every once in a while. It’s not consistent, will reappear every now and again and then go away (results return common items then rollover every few hours). Wondering what could cause this and if there’s anything I can do to fix it.

warn: ServiceStack.OrmLite.OrmLiteWriteCommandExtensions[0]
  Error trying to use GetValues() from DataReader. Falling back to individual field reads...

It’s caused by the MySql ADO.NET provider when trying to read the row using ADO.NET’s batch GetValues() API, you can set:

OrmLiteConfig.DeoptimizeReader = true;

So it never tries to use the batch API.

Will this degrade performance at all?

Potentially, but using the individual column APIs are the most popular APIs that most ORM’s use.