ErrorMessage empty in ServiceClient when quota limit exceeded

We have a business license and we recommend our customers use the ServiceStack client to talk to our our web service. I just noted that for WebServiceException.ErrorMessage was empty. I investigated further than found that in TryGetResponseStatusFromResponseDto we are getting the exception: ‘The free-quota limit on ‘20 ServiceStack.Text Types’ has been reached. …’.

I had assumed that the client was free to use, is this the case? Do our customers also need a license.

BTW, when I cajj Licensing.RegisterLicense() from our client code then WebServiceException.ErrorMessage is populated correctly.

Ok looks like the issue was that the usage of the Service Clients for consuming ServiceStack Services are unrestricted but parsing the Exception happened lazily on demand and outside the context of the Service Client request and so fell back to the free-quotas, I’ve changed it now so using serializers in WebServiceException is also covered within the free-quotas in this commit.

This change is available from v4.0.57 that’s now available on MyGet.

thanks for the quick response.

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