Exception: HTTP/2 over TLS is not supported on macOS due to missing ALPN support

I tried the following procedure on my Mac to follow steps in the video https://youtu.be/5NNCaWMviXU:

cd ~/temp
x new grpc NorthwindApi
code NorthwindApi

In the NorthwindApi folder:
x mix autocrudgen sqlite northwind.sqlite

dotnet run

results in:
Unhandled exception. System.NotSupportedException: HTTP/2 over TLS is not supported on macOS due to missing ALPN support.

I tried the instructions at:

it did not help.
So, I modified appsettings.json file by replacing https://* with http://*
Kestrel now starts up and I am able to see the services at metadata end-point:

Is this the right procedure to work-around the exception? Please confirm.

HTTPS/2 on macOS is not supported. The grpc project configures multiple endpoints, on macOS you should only use the insecure grpc endpoint on 5054:

You can use https/1.1 5001 for accessing your Services via non grpc endpoints.

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