Extending UserAuthRole table

In the documentation I see I can use my own UserAuth and UserAuthDetails tables.

How can I do the same for the UserAuthRole table ?

This won’t work :

new OrmLiteAuthRepository<MyUserAuth, MyUserAuthDetails, MyUserAuthRole>

Thank you !

No the UserAuthRole table is not overridable but it does contain a Meta string Dictionary you can populate with your own additional metadata.

If you just wanted to change the Role/Permission resolution behavior you can subclass it and override the APIs of IManageRoles which is what uses the UserAuthRole table for its behavior.

public interface IManageRoles
    ICollection<string> GetRoles(string userAuthId);
    ICollection<string> GetPermissions(string userAuthId);
    void GetRolesAndPermissions(string userAuthId, out ICollection<string> roles, out ICollection<string> permissions);

    bool HasRole(string userAuthId, string role);
    bool HasPermission(string userAuthId, string permission);

    void AssignRoles(string userAuthId,
        ICollection<string> roles = null, ICollection<string> permissions = null);

    void UnAssignRoles(string userAuthId,
        ICollection<string> roles = null, ICollection<string> permissions = null);