Fredrick Lackey - 113 - Apr 1, 2014

What is the safest way to prevent a duplicate registration with Funq.Container?  I have a utility class which loads several common items and need to protect against accidentally re-registering one of the same resources.  It would be fine if the registration would REPLACE the first, or be ignored.  Throwing an exception would not be acceptable. 

Drazen Dotlic:

Some other DI implementations I’ve used do exactly what you want - latest registration wins. You can of course make it so that multiple registrations work too.
Adapting ServiceStack to use a different DI container is trivial, so if you’re not against it in principle, I’d consider using a different product (I know it’s convenient to have Funq included ‘in the box’).
I deliberately won’t say which DI product I’m using to avoid a holy war about whose DI product is the best :wink:

Phillip Powers:

I’m interested in knowing what DI containers people are using - not for any sort of argument, but just for the information.

Additionally, I’d be interested in knowing whether you are/have used the container with Mono.

Currently, I’m using the built-in Funq, but have traditionally used Windsor. 

Fredrick Lackey:

+Phillip Powers +Stephen Brannan All good info, but please create a new thread.  Still looking for input on the safest way to prevent a duplicate registration with Funq.Container.

You could always do something like create your own Safe registration extension methods, e.g:

void SafeRegister<T>(this Container container, Func<Container, T> factory)
    var exists = container.TryResolve<T>();
    using (exists as IDisposable){}
    if (!Equals(exists, default(T))) return;

This wont register it if it already exists.