Getting 405 on a method which is using Cache

I have written a code like follows utilizing ToOptimizedResultUsingCacheAsync method, but I am getting 405 status code. And getting a error saying

Serializing Task’s is not supported. Did you forget to await it?

I have added the await on my method as well.

public async Task<object> GetAsync(RequestDTO request)
    return await Request.ToOptimizedResultUsingCacheAsync(CacheAsync,Defaults.CacheKey, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
    async () =>
              var result = await GetResultAsync();
             // Processing the result adding some filteration and pagination to it.
             return new ResponseDTO
                     Response = resultToReturn,
                     // Extra details regarding the result and the filteration or anything which has been applied.

The factory method isn’t async, ToOptimizedResultUsingCacheAsync is only used for invoking CacheAsync async APIs.

You’d need to use a different implementation of:

That lets you await the factory method, something like:

public static async Task<object> ToOptimizedResultUsingCacheAsync<T>(
    this IRequest req, ICacheClientAsync cacheClient, string cacheKey,
    TimeSpan? expireCacheIn, Func<Task<T>> factoryFn, CancellationToken token=default)
    var cacheResult = await cacheClient.ResolveFromCacheAsync(cacheKey, req, token).ConfigAwait();
    if (cacheResult != null)
        return cacheResult;

    var responseDto = await factoryFn().ConfigAwait();
    cacheResult = await cacheClient.CacheAsync(cacheKey, responseDto, req, expireCacheIn, token).ConfigAwait();
    return cacheResult;

Which I’ve also just added. This change is available from v5.8.3+ that’s now available in pre-release packages.

Ahh thanks for the clarification about the methods.
I will use the method you suggested.

One more thing regarding the cache attribute.

If I use [CacheResponse(Duration = 60)] attribute on my method it will cache its response.
This is working fine but what if I have to invalidate the response which is cached by the above attribute how will I do that?

As we are not specifying any key in the attribute nor we have any overload that supports specifying the key.

You can’t easily invalidate a time based cache. If you need precise control you’d need to implement it in your API.

I see, thanks @mythz

var cacheObj = await CacheAsync.ResolveFromCacheAsync(Defaults.ResponseCacheKey, Request);
if (cacheObj != null)
    return cacheObj;
// Rest of the method to get from DB
// Setting the cache
 await CacheAsync.CacheAsync(Defaults.ResponseCacheKey, responseToReturn, Request, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Defaults.CacheExpiryInMinutes));

I did use this method as you suggested and its working properly for me, contents are getting cached I am getting 200 and 304 as and when required.

But I am unable to write the tests for it using NUnit Framework.
I am unable to Mock the IRequest and it is getting passed as null so all of the tests are failing.

 var cache = appHost.Container.Resolve<ICacheClientAsync>();
 var mockRequest = new Mock<IRequest>();
 var mockServices = new Mock<Services>();

mockServices.Setup(s => s.CacheAsync.CacheAsync(Defaults.ResponseCacheKey, new Response { }, mockRequest.Object, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Defaults.CacheExpiryInMinutes), CancellationToken.None).AsTaskResult());

 var Services = mockSystemServices.Object;
 // Explicitly specify all arguments, avoid relying on optional parameters

 var response = await Services.GetAsync(new List());

 var Response = response as Response;
 Assert.AreEqual(3, Response.Items.Count);
 Assert.AreEqual("A", Response.Items[0].Name);
 Assert.AreEqual("B", Response.Items[1].Name);
 Assert.AreEqual("C", Response.Items[2].Name);

I am doing this but the IRequest is getting passed as null always.

I am having the OneTimeSetUp() as well in which I am intializing the DB in memory and resolving the dependancy.

See testing docs for how to test ServiceStack classes which require an initialized AppHost.

I personally never use Mocks, if I need to stub an IRequest context I’d use the memory BasicHttpRequest or BasicRequest classes.