Getting Started > Angular nom install fails

Hi all,

With a freshly downloaded servicmestack angular app I go to run npm install (node 18.1) and get the following exception:

tarball data for @servicestack/client@ (sha512-iX1WUCQ9jszyRTg2RgPcDPQWKo1ZmhhCp2b
eiwX0qfgD9G+RRd3l9MmuK3EBQpxSBnsVhDHZ+qsaPVmZ/HAhGg==) seems to be corrupted

any ideas?

I’ve installed the latest v18.2.0 of node, created a new angular-spa project:

$ x new angular-spa Acme

Which creates the angular project and installs the deps, then ran npm install again just to make sure:

Which builds and runs successfully.

Hmmm, thanks for checking for my @mythz

I used the getting started web page with this setup (apologies - I should have thought to paste that for you earlier)

x new web MyWebApp && cd MyWebApp && x mix -f auth auth-db validation serverevents cors openapi sqlserver rabbitmq build

This is just an empty web project, but otherwise I can install & run the project with that command, it does have a Startup exception due to non-configured RabbitMQ Host, but otherwise it runs ok:

OK, well thanks again. I’ll have to try work out what’s different then

OK, so upgrading to node 18.2 works.

How do we know which versions of node are supported?

We only test against LTS versions, so that’s what we recommend.

How do we know what the LTS version was at the time of servicestack release?

ServiceStack versions should be irrelevant, just go with the latest node LTS at any time.

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