Id property not puplated: http HEAD http://localhost/api/json/reply/HeadSample?id=196-A
Id property is populated: http HEAD http://localhost/api/head-sample/196-A
The problem is that the typescript client is using the default routes /json/reply/{DtoName} which then ends in an empty request dto on server side.
My expectation:
while using the default route, SS should find the dto/service impl and map the values from body/path/query-string automatically.
This already works for GET/POST with different behaviors depending on the HTTP verb: GET parameters are passed by query params, POST is using the HTTP body.
My expectation would be that HEAD behaves similar as GET.
How do I get the latest version in the v5 line of the x tool?
I assume the x tool version number should match the version number of the ServiceStack packages I’m using in my project?
C:\WINDOWS\system32>dotnet tool install --global x --version 5.5.1
C:\Users\micha\AppData\Local\Temp\44cec048-6832-41df-980b-e979689b573a\restore.csproj : warning NU1603: restore depends
on x (>= 5.5.1) but x 5.5.1 was not found. An approximate best match of x 6.0.0 was resolved.
You can invoke the tool using the following command: x
Tool ‘x’ (version ‘6.0.0’) was successfully installed.
The dotnet tools shouldn’t have any binary dependencies with your project, so they shouldn’t need to match the same version unless you’re using it to launch Desktop Apps using your .dll’s.