How can I define a One-To-Many self reference in OrmLite?

I have the following case:

public class Table
   public int Id {get;set;}
   public int ParentId {get;set;}

   // Which attribute should I specify here, to map Childrens 
   // to any record that has ParentId equals to my Id?
   public List<Table> Childrens {get;set;}

As the comment, which attribute should I specify here, to map Childrens to any record that has ParentId equals to my Id?


Self References are only supported for 1:1 relationships in OrmLite a self reference is when the foreign key reference is on itself, i.e not for cyclical references.

OrmLite POCO References doesn’t support cyclical references as in this example, you can create a query with multiple of the same table and use JoinAlias to distinguish between the different tables.