How do you recover from a Heartbeat Exception


I am using ServiceStack 5.5.1 with .NET Core 2.2 and would like to know how you can recover from a Server Event Heartbeat Exception.

In the log I get the following on a C# console client:

2019-08-28 22:25:58,470 [72] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Heartbeat sent to:
2019-08-28 22:26:08,478 [72] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Prep for Heartbeat…
2019-08-28 22:26:08,478 [72] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Sending Heartbeat…
2019-08-28 22:26:08,664 [6] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] LastPulseAt: 21:26:08.6646476
2019-08-28 22:26:08,664 [6] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] OnHeartbeatReceived: (ServerEventHeartbeat) #10270 on #SERVER01_DGXzea49) (agent)
2019-08-28 22:26:08,664 [6] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Heartbeat sent to:
2019-08-28 22:26:18,666 [6] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Prep for Heartbeat…
2019-08-28 22:26:18,666 [6] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Sending Heartbeat…
2019-08-28 22:26:18,786 [72] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] LastPulseAt: 21:26:18.7861605
2019-08-28 22:26:18,786 [72] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] OnHeartbeatReceived: (ServerEventHeartbeat) #10271 on #SERVER01_DGXzea49) (agent)
2019-08-28 22:26:18,786 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Heartbeat sent to:
2019-08-28 22:26:28,791 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Prep for Heartbeat…
2019-08-28 22:26:28,792 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Sending Heartbeat…
2019-08-28 22:26:31,532 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Error from Heartbeat: The remote server returned an error: (404) Subscription ‘5GD4KIbbwCIRrVA1k3wU’ does not exist.
2019-08-28 22:26:31,532 [18] ERROR ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] OnExceptionReceived: The remote server returned an error: (404) Subscription ‘5GD4KIbbwCIRrVA1k3wU’ does not exist. on #SERVER01_DGXzea49)
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Subscription ‘5GD4KIbbwCIRrVA1k3wU’ does not exist.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.WebRequest.<>c.b__68_2(IAsyncResult iar)
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func2 endFunction, Action1 endAction, Task1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at ServiceStack.HttpUtils.SendStringToUrlAsync(String url, String method, String requestBody, String contentType, String accept, Action1 requestFilter, Action1 responseFilter) in C:\BuildAgent\work\912418dcce86a188\src\ServiceStack.Text\HttpUtils.cs:line 600
2019-08-28 22:26:31,533 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - Stop()
2019-08-28 22:26:31,533 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Unregistering…
2019-08-28 22:26:31,860 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - Start()
2019-08-28 22:26:31,968 [18] ERROR ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] OnExceptionReceived: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. on #(not connected)
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
at ServiceStack.PclExport.GetResponse(WebRequest webRequest) in C:\BuildAgent\work\912418dcce86a188\src\ServiceStack.Text\PclExport.cs:line 180
at ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient.Start() in C:\BuildAgent\work\3481147c480f4a2f\src\ServiceStack.Client\ServerEventsClient.cs:line 222
at ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient.b__104_1(Task t) in C:\BuildAgent\work\3481147c480f4a2f\src\ServiceStack.Client\ServerEventsClient.cs:line 485
2019-08-28 22:26:32,641 [18] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - Stop()
2019-08-28 22:26:32,641 [51] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - Sleeping for 22ms after 2 continuous errors
2019-08-28 22:26:32,666 [51] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - Start()
2019-08-28 22:26:32,777 [51] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] LastPulseAt: 21:26:32.7777449

After this happens the client doesn’t reconnect. Is there an event I can subscribe to so I can reconnect as it doesn’t seem to reconnect automatically.

Thanks in advance.

This StackTrace suggests the Subscription it’s trying to send heartbeats to no longer exists and when it tried to reconnect it it received a (401) Unauthorized response suggesting the client is no longer authenticated. So you would need to re-authenticate the client before attempting to re-establish a new Server Events connection.

Hi, yes I did wonder if that was happening. I just wondered how I should catch this error? Is there an event I can handle to attempt to reconnect on a heartbeat failure?

I am already handling ServerEventsClient.OnException which attempts to authenticate again which generally catches this sort of thing but for some reason the OnException isn’t triggering for the heartbeat failure.

Thanks again.

Heartbeat Exceptions are being sent through the same OnExceptionReceived() error handler which is triggering the restart I can see in the StackTrace, the restart is failing because of the 401 Unauthorized response which is also benig routed through the same OnExceptionReceived() handler.

Hi, ok I tweaked my code so it looks like this:

client.OnException = (ex) =>
    logger.Error("Connection error", ex);

            logger.Info("Attempting to authenticate again...");

            client.Authenticate(new Authenticate
                provider = "credentials",
                UserName = username,
                Password = password,
                RememberMe = true

        catch (Exception exx)
            logger.Error("Failed to authenticate", exx);

I left the application running, it then eventually received:

ERROR ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] OnExceptionReceived: The remote server returned an error: (404) Subscription 'qgjfe8IE8kNbUhROKXJ1' does not exist. on #SEVERNAME_JATzgn45!

After that my authentication code in the exception event above triggered, then my log shows:

2019-09-09 02:01:02,519 [53] INFO  DataService.ClientService [(null)] - Attempting to authenticate again...
2019-09-09 02:01:02,720 [53] INFO  DataService.ClientService [(null)] - Authenticated
2019-09-09 02:01:02,720 [53] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - Stop()
2019-09-09 02:01:02,720 [53] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] Unregistering...
2019-09-09 02:01:02,954 [53] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - Start()
2019-09-09 02:01:03,136 [53] DEBUG ServiceStack.ServerEventsClient [(null)] - [SSE-CLIENT] LastPulseAt: 01:01:03.1369860

After the above my client.SubscriptionId is empty.

Should I be adding client.Authenticate to the client.OnReconnect event as this event gets triggered after the last entry in the log?

Thanks again.

That looks right, it stops and starts a new SSE connection as the authenticated user?

Though I’d personally prefer to start with a clean new Server Events Connection.

Note: I am getting these same 404 subscription errors now - we believe this might be a problem introduced by Chrome 76. (co-workers with Chrome 75 are not getting the errors).