How long are packages on MyGet available for?


I had some builds failing that referenced the pre-releases. They were failing with this error:

2017-06-16T18:22:58.6119188Z Unable to find version '4.5.11' of package 'ServiceStack'.
2017-06-16T18:22:58.6119188Z Unable to find version '4.5.11' of package 'ServiceStack.Common'.
2017-06-16T18:22:58.6149183Z Unable to find version '4.5.11' of package 'ServiceStack.Client'.
2017-06-16T18:22:58.6149183Z Unable to find version '4.5.11' of package 'ServiceStack.Text'.
2017-06-16T18:22:58.6149183Z Unable to find version '4.5.11' of package 'ServiceStack.Api.OpenApi'.
2017-06-16T18:22:58.6149183Z Unable to find version '4.5.11' of package 'ServiceStack.Interfaces'.

Updating to 4.5.13 fixed the error, however, in general, how long are releases made available on MyGet? Locally I had no issues since I had the packages cached.



The pre-release packages on MyGet and are always 1 version (odd number) higher than the official packages on NuGet (even number) which we published the new v4.5.12 version yesterday to resolve issues with Signed packages.