How to used ServiceStack UserSession In the View?

I used the ServiceStack.Mvc in the mvc application.

  public class HomeController : ServiceStackController<CustomUserSession>
        public ActionResult Index()
             return View();

I don’t use ServiceStack.Razor, But want the view have the inherits ServiceStack.Razor.ViewPage function. So I changed the index.cshtml like this

@using ServiceStack
@using ServiceStack.Host.AspNet
    using (var provider =
            new ServiceStackProvider(new AspNetRequest(Context, GetType().Name)))
        var session = provider.SessionAs<CustomUserSession>();
        if (provider.IsAuthenticated)

The Question is my code will generate problem? Is there any good way to fulfill like it ?

You shouldn’t create a new instance of ServiceStackProvider directly.
To get the UserSession in a ServiceStack.Razor View you can just use:

var userSession = base.SessionAs<CustomUserSession>();

But I don’t to use the ServiceStack.Razor View, I only use the mvc default view, how to get it ?

From the ServiceStackController, Pass it into the ViewModel.

Thanks! If I use ViewData, Like this

  public class ServiceStackControllerBase : ServiceStackController<CustomUserSession>
        protected override void OnAuthentication(AuthenticationContext filterContext)
            ViewData["provider"] = base.ServiceStackProvider;

and in .cshtml like this

    var provider = ViewData["provider"] as IServiceStackProvider;  
    var session = provider.SessionAs<CustomUserSession>();

If I used ViewData to Transfer the ServiceStackProvider, Is there any limit or any resource will not GC ?

Yeah that’s fine, you’re just passing a reference to the existing Provider instance, it’s not expensive at all.


I’ve been doing the following for a long time in my main _Layout.cshtml (to display username in nav bar, etc). It doesn’t require anything controller-side with ViewData…

    var session = AppHost.Instance.Resolve<ServiceStack.Caching.ICacheClient>().Get<CustomUserSession>(SessionFeature.GetSessionKey() ?? "");

Not sure how this compares performance-wise to what you’re doing. Maybe @mythz has a thought on that.

@robertmiles3 it’s close to doing the same thing but your example wont work in self-hosts since you’re not passing in a ServiceStack IRequest in GetSessionKey(IRequest) and only ASP.NET hosts can get it from the HttpContext.Current singleton.

Gotcha. I’m not self-hosting so I’ve never hit that. :slight_smile: