IAuthSession is not populated with all properties from JWT

The JWT contains the the given_name and family_name. I expected that the IAuthSession also contains theses values as FirstName and LastName since SS did populate the JWT with these data.
The IAuthSession is correctly populated with the JWT values preferred_usname, email and roles properties.

To temporary overcome that shortcoming I utilitzed the PopulateSessionFilter:

public static void UpdateSessionDataFromJwt(IAuthSession session, JsonObject jwtData, IRequest request)
  if (jwtData == null)
  if (jwtData.TryGetValue("given_name", out var firstName))
    session.FirstName = firstName;
  if (jwtData.TryGetValue("family_name", out var lastName))
    session.LastName = lastName;

Should now be resolved from this commit that’s now available on MyGet.

Thank you very much!